Wiltshire IT company Mintivo to hire ten new employees this year

An IT services company in Wiltshire has said it aims to hire at least ten new employees by the end of the year as it set its sights on reaching a £10 million turnover in three years.

Mintivo has added seven new employees to its workforce after seeing 50 per cent growth in the last 12 months.

Managing director Chris Gough, who co-founded the firm in 2018, said: “We are winning at least one new customer each month so we just need more people.

“We’ve spent three years investing in policy and process and now everything is in place to grow into a £10 million company.”

The company, which offers managed IT support, consultancy, cyber security and business intelligence, saw turnover leap from £1.4 million in 2020/21 to £2.1 million last year.

Its customers – including Castore, Good Energy, Investors in People, Dorothy House Hospice Care Business Cyber Centre and the Ministry of Defence – are primarily in the south west, but it is winning more business nationally.

Mr Gough added: “We aren’t going to get to £10 million unless we spread across the UK so we will invest in new offices and local engineers to support those customers further afield to maintain our passion for exceptional customer service.”

Operations director Mark Adams said: “The positions we’ve filled range from junior entry level right up to senior architect level, which just illustrates the speed we’ve grown at.”

The pandemic has been a catalyst for businesses to look again at the way they work, which has brought more clients Mintivo’s way.

Mr Gough added: “One of the reasons we started the company was because a lot of our competitors were still doing what had been profitable 10 years earlier.

“We could see that Microsoft Cloud and mobile devices such as laptops, which enable customers’ staff to work from anywhere, were the way forward.

“That may be less profitable in the short term but our ethos was to do the right thing for the customer and build a relationship for the long term.”

The company moved from Chippenham to the edge of Lacock last year and emphasised building the right culture among staff, opening The Minchester employees’ pub within the office.

Mr Gough said Mintivo’s growth will come from new customers, links with the MoD, and more work with local authorities, helping clients with managed IT services, improving their cyber security, and getting the most out of their investment in Microsoft products.

Source: Swindon Advertiser

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